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Matt – disassembled early 1939 wing
Wing fillets
Under panel and ribs
Top cowling cover fitted
Fuel tank and cowling rail
John repairing oxygen bottle cradle
Cradle support fitted in fuselage
No.1 main spar fabric wing
Brynn – undercarriage fairing
Labelled air bottle and oxygen
Air bottle cover
Sheer plates and out-riggers fabric wing
Early 1939 radiator and above support straps for wheel house covers
Rear wooden panel
Radiator flap control assembly
Martin and Tony working on the collar
John positioning rudder cables
Gun wing covers
Selection of panels, note the serial number L1639
Nosing tank oil
Dick working on small and large ammo boxes for Hurricane and Fury
Fuselage and trailing edge
Heel boards
Jo working on the gun mount
John working on the control guides
Oxygen bottle in position, in its saddle
Steve working on the wooden hinge boxes
Brian working on the woodwork
Right-hand side undercarriage fairing
Plug ends and fitments for the wing
Chin pad and new ring gun site
John cutting out holes
Cross brace spars being fitted on wing
Centre section nose panel ribs being fitted
Chin pad
Front under panel set
Under wing including guns
Inspection panel and tail plane fairing
Quarter fillet panel (very difficult to make!)
Underside of undercarriage fairings
Underside of centre section
Tail plane fairings
Side cockpit fuse board
Wing Rib – Rear
Wing rib
Simon finishing the stringers
Pipe Cover
Nosing ribs and wing
Underside of early wing
Patent plate
Camera button
Wing sheer plates
Cowling panel nearly fitted
Oil tank
33 gallon centre section fuel tank
Watts propellor hub assembly
Seat finished, now ready for fitting
Steve fitting wooden hinge covers
Radiator cowling
Nose cover and cowling
Andy covering 33 gallon tank
Various cowlings
33 gallon fuel tank fitted
Radiator cowling and stence
Nice shot of the nosing and gun compartment
Tim fitting early windscreen.
1943 Willy Jeep
Oil tank and covers
Side view of tank insitu
Rear view of tank cover and walkway
Front screen and brackets being fitted
BD 731 tailplane being disassembled along with two others
Cockpit cowling
wing web strength plate
Gun bay